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Moments in time
Wake up fast. Dress up fast. Run to work. Run back home. Don't miss out on anything. It seems like we're moving in x2 just to keep up. Our attention span is getting shorter. That new clip you post today is already old by tomorrow. But do we have the option to slow down still? Here at Pierdo we believe we do.

Once upon a time you used to order your favourite (and probably the only) skateboarding magazine. You'd wait anxiously to receive it. You'd look for the mailman every day, hoping he'll stop by your house. Every time you opened that mag it felt like Christmas. The latest tricks. A showcase of the best of the best. Some would even think of it as a time capsule. You'd take your time studying the photos and figuring out how they did it. Sequence pages were sacred.

Printed magazines and skateboarding always had a close link. They form the connection between the artist, the visionary and the consumer. That's why we choose to distribute and support as much printed media as we can.


“There are a lot of corporate companies involved with skateboarding right now, but as long as they respect the actual skateboarders and don’t dictate the industry then it’s fine with me. I feel like when Factory decided to go all digital and kill their print mags this was an example of a corporate entity dictating the world of European skateboarding.”
Will Harmon and Sam Ashley know what it's about!
And if you ever got your hands on Free you probably do too!



A german full page publication that focuses on the European skate scene as well as the global culture as a whole.
Meet the team: Felix Adler, Gino Fischer and Joscha Aicher as editors / online editors, and Oliver Klobes as the art director.



A free bimonthly publication distributed worldwide, delivering you skateboarding, art, beer, music and the rest. Guy Jones (Writer). Reece Leung (Photographer). Hannah Martin (Designer). Heywood Ward (Public Relations).
Who would've thought that getting called "vague" at school would turn into a life long project?



Dolores was born as a window to show the world that the FLINTA skate scene exists, due to the lack of female and LGTBIQ+ references in conventional skateboarding media. It's a representation of diversity in the world of skateboarding. Founded by Raisa Abal y Veronica Trillo, the Barcelona magazine is currently showcasing talent from all over the world!

February 09, 2024 by Pierdo ◎