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"MARGINAL GAINS" by Gosha Babikov

Gosha’s been around for a while, i guess just as long as our friendship with him. Riding his bike, preparing our coffees at Morrow, shooting pictures, and how not... skating.

Seems like this guy has it all, and he actually does.

Whats up dude? Could you formally introduce yourself? (Complete stranger mode on like).

Hey! My name is Gosha. I live in Barcelona but I’m originally from Chelyabinsk, Russia. You might don’t know, but its where a meteorite fell 6 years ago.


What do you stand out in?

Good at taking care of fermentations in my kitchen. Also tall.


What do you do for a living? What do you do to distract yourself?

I work in a coffeeshop / coffee roaster. I work with my friends and lots of nice people come visit us, so it's fun. And to distract myself I skate, cook or do cycling. I really love photography but it's more about focusing for me.


 How are you living this pandemic? Has it affected you a lot?

In the beginning it was difficult, but I suppose it kind of makes you grow. I am surprisingly doing good! 


Has this situation helped you to give another value / vision of things and your priorities?

Yeah, I think I became way more flexible and relaxed in situations when things don’t work the way I expect.

How do you think things will go? What will you do when this is all over?

I hope we get back to normal life soon. I think there will be crazy amount of events then, which will give you vertigo when needed to choose one. First thing i will do is go to see my family for sure. Really miss hang out with my sister!



Do you have a project in hand that you want to share with us?

I made a photobook on masculinity called «Marginal Gains». I went to places of my childhood memories and places where youth hang out nowadays. It is also an ode to my hometown which for good or bad shaped my perception on how a man should be. Finally through that weird times i had time to edit and publish it.



Recommend us something (eat / drink / read / watch)

For eating i really recommend georgian cuisine (khachapuri is a must), for drinking try make ginger beer at home or go get a good espresso, for reading any Sergey Dovlatov book and for watching buffalo 66 are always good.






Get Gosha’s “Marginal Gains”through the image below.