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I borrow the name of one of Kerouac's most wonderful and erratic novels to define a group of interviews with people who, not only look at the world through their eyes, they do so do so through a lens. Whether it is transmitted by sensitive emulsion or by the refraction of lumens on a screen. Old digital formats and new printed formats. What does it matter if the photo is good?

During the hardest part of confinement, one of the few ways to look at the outside world and find out about your friends/family was through social media. There were a couple of people who communicated in a simple and direct way, their mood and their daily life through their photographs. I was absorbed seeing how a simple photo transmitted more than a television broadcast. Photographs have the ability to retain the moment and convey a feeling. Not everyone has the ability to make time stop when you see their photo. Whoever succeeds doing so should truly feel satisfied. I have a friend who can spend 30 minutes looking at a single photograph. Sometimes the same happens to me. 

This is a series of interviews in which I’ve wanted to bring together people who, in my opinion, have something to say through their images. Regardless of their purpose, photography defines them and they use it in the same way that a madman draws a yelp from the depths of his throat.